Sunday, November 7, 2010

Interesting FACTS when you are a MANAGER

Managers lose their right to do many things...

According to one management expert, when you accept a supervisory or managerial position, you lose your right to do any of the following:

· Lose your temper
· Be one of the gang
· Bring your personal problems to work
· Vent your frustrations and express your opinion at work
· Resist change
· Pass the buck on tough assignment
· Get even with your adversaries
· Play favourites
· Put your self interest first
· Ask others to do what you wouldn’t do
· Expect to be be immediately recognised and rewarded for doing a good job

Management is clearly not for everyone-it is not for the timid, the egomaniacal or the lazy. Management requires clear-headed individuals who can envision something better and turn it into reality by working with and through others.

The Evolution of Product Quality Approach

The emphasis of quality has evolved through four distinct stages since World War II - from “fix-it-in” to inspect-it-in to built-it-in to design-it-in.

Here are the key differences :
• The fix-it-in approach to quality - Rework any defective products identified by quality inspectors at the end of the production process.
• The inspect-it-in approach to quality - Have quality inspectors sample work in process and prescribe machine adjustment to avoid substandard output.
• The built-it-in approach to quality - Make everyone who touches the product responsible for spotting and correcting defects. Emphasis is on identifying and eliminating causes of quality problem
• The design-it-in approach to quality - Intense customer and employee involvement drives the entire design-production cycle. Emphasis is on continuous improvement of personnel, processes and product.

Progressive managers are moving away from the first two approaches to built-it-in and design-it-in approaches. A popular label for the built it in design and design it in approaches to quality is total quality management (TQM)